“If you want to get things you can’t buy in a store, you have to do things never thought of before.” -- Dr. Seuss

Thursday, December 24, 2009

The Ornament I Recieved

The ornament I recieved from the Junk Revelution website is this very clever light bulb with a dish detergent lid on the bottom. It was made by momlvcntrt. The covering is a single ply napkin decopaged over the lightbulb.

A lovely way to make junk beautiful and useful again.


  1. Wow! I never would have guessed, especially the dish detergent lid on the bottom!

  2. Oh goodness - Heidi's a whiz kid isn't she?! That's gorgeous!!!

    I hope you and your family have a SUPER MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

    ;-) Robelyn


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