This is my own spin on a post I found on pintrest.
The one on pinterest had many purses on a wall with baby's breath in the purse.
I had this purse for years and have used it for holding Christmas cards and hung it on a doorknob.
The lace frame I got at a yard sale for a dollar, this has been in the living room since I bought it just sitting or hanging around.
I bought a couple of frames recently at a thrift store sale for this project but I went to my stash of frames and found this one I liked better. Added a vintage photo, also from my stash. the frame is velcroed on so I can take it off and change the pic, added a hankie from my collection and a key.

I started to take the pics for the blog and decided I needed to add something below the purse, looked around the room and found a cardboard clock face and just added a doughnut of tape to the back and tada!
Quick and oh so easy!