Last year before Christmas, I was asked to help find vintage baby items for a baby shower for my cousins daughter. More on that with the last pic.
So I wanted to do something fun for the baby gift, they were posting baby pics they liked on facebook mostly all with baby headbands. So I looked on etsy for inspiration and created some.
This is my fav! I bought some headbands at a retail store and took off their decoration to add mine. Made torn fabric roses from muslin, lots of tutorials on the web. added a piece of vintage veiling I had from a vintage hat I got at a yard sale and a feather!

This one I bought the ribbon it had wire in it and I took it out the one side and hand sewed a gathering stitch and coiled it around to look like a flower, glued a vintage button on it.

This Gerbera daisy I bought and took out the center plastic thingy and hand stitched the flower petals together then added a vintage button. The stretch white lace headband part was cut and made by me. I found a video tutorial to help me with this!
Some where glued directly on the headband and some were glued on a hair clip. Both I added felt to so it would be soft on the baby's head.

Here is the table of vintage goodies and the cake I made.

I found the vintage baby scale, vintage photo album,bibs, rattle, and that cute rubber toy doggie!
I also, found a cute vintage pink baby shoe planter that I put the gift in, Forgot to get a pic of it.