Today at a yard sale I got a free sock monkey! After looking around at the yard sale I decides notheing was there for me as I was leaving the lady said, check out the free boxes and take somethig home with you. I stopped and looked just being polite, there under a bunch of normal stuffed animal was this sock monkey, I pulled him out and the lady said his ear needs fixed, do you sew? I said yes I do, the hole was behind his ear and only about an inch long. She also said her soon was afraid of him, I find that funny cause I hate monkeys too! But sock monkeys are fun!
Can you find all the subtle changes I made to him?
1. I took off both ears, took some of the stuffing out and repostioned them on his head.
2. I used the excess stuffing from the ears to put in the hat.
3. Made his neck more defined by adding a tighter yarn.
4. took a pompom off his belly and added it to his arm, he was missing his right arm pompom.and repotioned them higher on his arm.
5. And the most subtle of a change was trimming all his pompoms!