“If you want to get things you can’t buy in a store, you have to do things never thought of before.” -- Dr. Seuss

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Silverware Windchime

Old silverware created this windchime along with a steamer basket holding it all together. An old necklace was used to hang the silverware, junprings were used to connect the necklace to the hole I drilled in the handles. I also bent the silverware for added interest and besides that it is really fun to do!


  1. cool windchime! like the way you used the old chain necklace to hang the siverware...unique idea. *elaine*

  2. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    Now I know what to do with the steamer basket I picked up recently. Cool idea!! I have a lot of old junky silverware, too. A wind chime is a perfect idea.


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