Thursday, December 11, 2014

Painted a Table with Miss Mustard Seed Milk Paint

I found this great table at an auction weeks ago along with 2 more pieces that I will paint, 
 It was a little rickety so I disassembled it, sanded it, and gave it the first coat of Miss Mustard Seed milk paint in the Linen color.
 One I painted it, I put it back together, glued and screwed where it needed it and painted it 2 more coats, then sanded it smooth.  Then I added the dark Antiquing Wax from MMS.
 And, TA DAA!
 Some chippyness did occur! I didn't think any finish was even on the piece before the initial sanding.
 More chippy goodness on the legs.

I loved how it turned out and I can't wait to try more, but for now it will need to wait till after the holidays.  I am selling this at our one booth!
UPDATE - after one day being at the antique mall it was SOLD!


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